The school’s research is characterised by great and vital diversity: a wide range of research fields and practices, from individual researchers with a significant standard of research to agenda-setting single- and cross-disciplinary groups, members of national and international networks, basic funding and external funding as well as basic research and applied research.
The organisation of research must leave room for and acknowledge the diversity that characterises the school’s research practices and fields of research. At the same time, the organisation must contribute to realising the school’s strategic goals. The organisation of research is described in the memo "Research organisation at IKK, 2023-2028".
A research committee has been set up at the school to ensure the visibility of research and advise the management on the most important research priorities, including the allocation of funding set aside in the budget. The research committee advises and supports the head of school, who is responsible for the school’s research strategy and production as the main research director. The research committee is headed by the deputy head of school in close collaboration with the head of school and is furthermore composed of the research programme directors, the directors of the three PhD programmes and a representative from each of the two cross-disciplinary research programmes at Arts. The terms of reference and the composition of the research committee can be found here.
Memo: Research organisation at IKK, 2023-2028
Memo: Vedrørende forskningsprogrammer, forskningscentre m.v. på Arts (2015) only in Danish