Mailing lists at the school

About distribution lists in Outlook

The mailing lists below have been created in AU’s shared address book in Outlook, and everyone at AU can send emails to them. But before sending an email to, for example, everyone at the school or everyone at a location, please consider whether it is necessary.

The lists start with #CC. They are structured hierarchically. Therefore, people are only added in the first column, as they will be added automatically at the relevant higher levels. This means that an employee who is added to the list #Kunsthistorie will receive all emails that are sent to this list, the department list KÆM, the location Kasernen and everyone at the school.


Overview of mailing lists

Add or remove address on a list

At the secretariat, the following people can add employees to and remove employees from the lists:

Please do not hesitate to contact the relevant people if you need to make changes. It only takes a minute.

The global lists may only include addresses from the shared email system. If you need a list that also includes staff and/or students from outside AU, you can create personal contact groups or Mailman mailing lists instead.