Registration practice for members of academic staff (VIP) at the School of Communication and Culture

About the table

Understand the table

  • We have only included areas relevant to members of academic staff at CC. AU requires many additional administrative documents to be filed. The list below is by no means exhaustive. See AU’s additional filing requirements here (DK only).
  • Some documents must be stored but not filed in Workzone. Although there is no requirement to file the document in Workzone, the document must still be stored, e.g. in print, possibly locked away.
  • The selected topics/document types were chosen on the basis of questions posed by members of academic staff following the introduction of Workzone. Consequently, we have included both ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers. The answer indicates whether filing in Workzone is required, but please consult the next column to see who is responsible for doing so.

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  • The table’s search function performs a search among all words in the sheet.
  • Click the heading in the first row to sort the selected column alphabetically, e.g. grouping all ‘YES’ answers. 

Ask us

If you are in doubt about anything, please contact us at:

Task/typical documents Must be filed in Workzone Examples/relevance Person responsible
Notes from exam assessments incl. the assessment of Master's theses NO Complying with current guidelines, notes must be stored, not filed, for at least one year plus the period required to resolve any exam complaints. When this period has expired (in which you must save the exam papers as well as your own notes), please destroy the exam papers and your notes. N/A
Storing exam papers NO Exam papers must be stored in accordance with current guidelines (please keep the GDPR rules in mind), as they may contain confidential personal data. N/A
Entrance examinations by students and assessments thereof YES Complying with current guidelines, notes must be stored, not filed, for at least one year plus the period required to solve any exam complaints. When this period has expired (in which you must save the exam papers as well as your own notes), please destroy the exam papers and your notes. Arts Studies Administration
Notes from a PhD thesis assessment YES Everything relating to the assessment of a PhD thesis is handled by the graduate school and will be filed in MyPhD. 
If a member of academic staff has any notes or correspondence that they find particularly important, they can ask the graduate school to file them with the specific case.
The graduate school
Exam and plagiarism cases YES Filed by the central administration. Members of academic staff must share their correspondence with the Arts Studies Administration. Arts Studies Administration
Co-examiner activities outside the universities' body of external co-examiners NO An external co-examiner activity is considered a sideline occupation. Member of academic staff
Research applications with external funding that receive the grant YES The project owner files  relevant correspondence and reporting. Arts Finance files the grant letter, final application, budget, budget changes, funder's approval of changes and financial reporting. Project owner, Arts/BSS Finance
Research applications that do not receive the grant YES Application and relevant correspondence. Project owner, Arts/BSS Finance
Co-financed and commissioned research as well as public sector consultancy YES The project owner files relevant correspondence and reporting. Arts Finance files the final application, budget, budget changes, partner/authority's approval of any changes and financial reporting. Project owner, Arts/BSS Finance
Academic, editorial work NO This is an administrative service, filing is not required. This applies to, for example, editorial work for a journal (Link DK only). N/A
Peer reviews NO Research documentation, including peer review comments. N/A
Agreements with publishers on the publication of books, monographs and articles YES Pay particular attention in relation to agreements pertaining to the delivery of certain services at certain deadlines, to remuneration etc. Member of academic staff
Co-author declarations for joint authorships YES File the declaration Member of the academic staff
Records of registrations made in PURE NO Saved in PURE. N/A
Informant agreements (interviews etc.) NO These are considered research data and must be treated in accordance with current guidelines. N/A
Personal data from research (sensitive GDPR data) NO Registered in the AU register and handled in accordance with AU guidelines on, e.g., respondents. N/A
Conferences, seminars, research seminars and workshops organised by AU held on campus or elsewhere YES In connection with events, the programme, list of participants, accounts and any reporting to an external grant holder, as well as agreements and correspondence with external speakers, must be filed. If Arts Communication has assisted you, please contact them to agree who is responsible for filing (for events with more than 25 participants) Member of the academic staff or Arts Communication
Media contact/enquiries from journalists YES This is a grey area that calls for a case-by-case assessment. For example, a rejection suspected to have been influenced by political views, etc., must be filed (with a view to any future inspection of documents for, e.g., bias) in cases where staff members make statements by virtue of their employment at AU.
Member of the academic staff
Enquiries from students at primary schools and upper secondary schools NO This is an administrative service, filing is not required (Link DK only). N/A
Guest lecturers and visits YES Enquiries, agreements (incl. the head of department's approval) and any rejections, programme/planned academic activities must be filed. Member of academic staff
Open invitations – e.g. invitations to an academic environment NO N/A
Representation/appointments/nominations in Danish or international committees, boards, councils, government agencies (advisory boards); an AU representative in a forum. E.g. memberships of Danish or international boards, councils, committees and associations, networks, specialists' groups, collaboration forums, etc. (e.g. the Danish Institute in Rome, editorial panels, research councils) YES Your own nomination for participation in boards, councils etc. must be filed.
If you serve as the chair of the committee, you are responsible for filing meeting invitations and minutes (administrative case processing).
Chair/member of academic staff
Lectures/functions in the Danish University Extension NO Educational associations etc. are considered private activities. N/A
Acting as an expert witness in legal proceedings or similar by virtue of employment at AU NO Filed by the external party. N/A
Advising committees, offering expert opinions, etc., by virtue of your employment at AU NO Filed by the external party. N/A
External consultancy services as a private individual NO Regarded as a private activity, unless AU funds are used. N/A
Recommendation/letter of reference to (former) employee NO N/A
Recommendation/letter of reference to student NO N/A
Telephone conversations, text messages, work-related chat systems and other communication channels YES All types of material may fall under the filing obligation - for practical reasons, it may be necessary to handle this material through screen dumps or one's own notes (obligation to take notes) in cases where important decisions relating to the case are made in this manner. Member of academic staff
Agreements made with the head of school or heads of department on funding for competency development YES Funding for staff courses etc. are filed by the manager/head who granted the funding. Head of School and Head of Department
A member of academic staff assessing a PhD dissertation in Denmark/abroad YES The party responsible for the case, i.e. the PhD student's home university, is responsible for filing documents. External party
Agreements with the universities' body of external co-examiners (with members of the body of external co-examiners) NO Specific agreements made with individual members of academic staff do not have to be filed. N/A
Agreements with the universities’ body of external examiners YES General agreements are made centrally at AU.  Arts Studies Administration
Internship agreements for AU students in internships YES The secretariat is responsible for filing students’ internship agreements at the departments. HR
Research projects anchored at an external university YES Please make an agreement with the external university on who should file what. Additionally, it is recommended that you store what you consider important to ensure easy access to it.
For projects in which you have a managerial role, e.g. a work package, you should store material that pertains to your managerial responsibility/role within the framework of the project.
If a researcher takes a leave of absence to participate in a research project, the project is not part of AU, and the grant approval etc. do not necessarily need to be filed in Workzone at AU.
Member of academic staff
Advisory Board agreement YES The agreement must be filed. Member of academic staff
Publications in connection with research projects NO Publications should not be filed in Workzone.  N/A
Researcher mobility YES Enquiries and agreements made (incl. potential rejections from universities contacted), incl. the planned academic content must be filed. If relevant, the verification letter, the head of department’s approval of the visit, funding approval (e.g. of the department) should also be filed. Member of academic staff
Absence due to illness agreements/meetings YES Filed by HR. HR
SDDs (staff development dialogues) NO Agreements from SDDs (staff development dialogues) can be filed in 1) AUHRA, 2) on your personal drive; please delete the agreement made in connection with your previous SDD after your next SDD, or 3) store the agreement in a locker; please make sure to shred it when no longer relevant N/A
Travel expense reports, invoices, etc. NO The information is stored in RejsUd, INDFAK, REEX, etc. N/A
Tendering YES Documentation of the actual agreement and correspondence in connection with concluding the agreement.  TTO, Procurement/AU Finance/the local secretariat
Permissions (due to copyright) for streaming, photos, etc. YES Agreements concerning the use/publication of material must be filed. Copydan lists should not be filed, only reported. Member of academic staff
Job interviews and assessment committees YES Filed by HR. HR
Boards of studies, degree programme boards, academic councils, the local liaison committee/occupational health and safety committee. YES The chair is responsible for filing documents. However, she/he can delegate this task to the secretary of the committe/board in question. The secretary must file meeting agendas, minutes, appendices, etc. Chair
Requests for access to documents YES Must be filed. Contact the head of secretariat immediately. Member of academic staff
Registration of trademarks and patents YES Must be filed. TTO
Alumni and career activities, e.g. alumni associations YES Material related to the operation of alumni associations, e.g. agreements and contracts. Member of academic staff
Business-oriented initiatives YES Agenda, appendices, minutes, relevant correspondence, other relevant meeting material, reports, process plans Member of academic staff
Data processing agreements YES Data protection, data processor agreements, data transfer statements. Possible local initiatives initiated by the department with a view to data protection, specific agreements Member of academic staff
Enquiries from government agencies and institutions YES Official enquiries/communication with public authorities. Incoming mail/emails, responses to enquiries, case processing Member of academic staff
Enquiries from companies, organisations and private individuals YES Incoming mail/emails, responses to enquiries, case processing. Member of academic staff
Declaration of consent YES A declaration of consent in connection with photos and videos Member of academic staff
Research cases in e-grant at Ministry of Higher Education and Science which record relevant documents, but not emails YES Emails relevant to the case Member of academic staff