Announcing events and news items


If you have an event for the calendar, please fill in this template and send it to the web editor at your department (see contact details below and on the right-hand side of this site):

When you fill in this template or send an email about an event, it is important to state the target group for whom the event is intended: staff (at one or more departments, perhaps), the entire school/faculty, students, or external stakeholders/all interested parties. Your web editor will then help you to post your event on the relevant websites.

Events which are relevant for external parties (open lectures, for instance) can be shown on subject/department/centre sites as well as being posted jointly in the school calendar:

Events which are only relevant for staff are posted in the calendar at MIKK (Staff Portal). Closed meetings/seminars (in research programmes, for instance) are not normally posted in the web calendar, but are distributed via email/Outlook calendar.

News items/blog posts

If you have written a news item or blog post for a website (for a research programme, department or centre, for instance), please fill in this template and send it to your local web editor:

Please send news items for the school newsletter to