Guidelines for thesis seminars at CC

Graduate School, Arts’ guidelines for thesis seminar

The guidelines for the PhD degree programme laid down by the Graduate School, Arts, stipulate that a thesis seminar should be arranged in connection with the biannual evaluation, 12 months before the end of the enrolment period. This memo should be read in combination with these guidelines, in which the framework of these thesis seminars at the faculty is described.

Responsibility of the principal supervisor

The principal supervisor is responsible for taking the initiative for planning and conducting these seminars in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Graduate School, Arts.


Thesis seminars will be funded at school level in accordance with the following guidelines.

  • The school will contribute a maximum of DKK 5,000 to each thesis seminar.
  • The department secretaries are authorised to perform administrative functions within the framework, with no other approval being required.

The school (school management team, internal pools for research programmes etc.) cannot grant any other funds to conduct thesis seminars. Opponents from abroad who are already in Denmark in another connection (including activities in a research programme) are welcome to take part in thesis seminars face-to-face, because in these circumstances travel and accommodation expenses will not be associated with the seminar in question.

This funding can be used

  • to cover up to ten hours in compensation for either an internal opponent from the Faculty of Arts/AU, or an external opponent from Denmark or abroad. If there is more than one opponent at a seminar, these ten hours will be divided between the individuals concerned
  • to pay for travel by train in Denmark
  • to pay for refreshments for the opponent(s)

The ten hours of compensation will be disbursed as follows

  • opponents from abroad can be paid a fee of up to ten working hours in accordance with the current rate for part-time lecturers
  • external opponents from Denmark can be paid a fee of up to ten working hours in accordance with the current rate for part-time lecturers
  • internal opponents from the Faculty of Arts will be granted a reduction of their commitment in the semester concerned in VIP-O-Matic amounting to up to ten working hours

The school’s contribution does not cover

  • travel and accommodation expenses for opponents from abroad. Opponents from abroad must take part online
  • accommodation expenses for external opponents from Denmark
  • expenses incurred in connection with events in extension of thesis seminars

Guidelines for the administration and funding of thesis seminars

The principal supervisor must inform the department secretary when planning commences.

The department secretaries are responsible for settling all documented expenses – by approving invoices in IndFak, settling expenses in RejsUd, registering working hours for Danish opponents, or paying fees in REEX to opponents from abroad.

The principal supervisor must report the hours of work done by internal opponents to , sending a copy to the the person responsible for settlement of the seminar. These hours will be included in the budget for the seminar using the rate applying to part-time lecturers.