Internal processes at the School of Communication and Culture

  • Looking for a process for the Novo Nordisk Foundation Mads Øvlisen stipends or Ny Carlsbergfondets PhD/postdoc stipends? Find more information here.

Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRDF) - Autumn 2024

Internal processes will be translated to English ultimo July/primo August. Before this, please consult the processes in Danish.

The Carlsberg Foundation - Autumn 2024


Science Communication 200.000 – 3.000.000 DKK 1 September 2024 at 16:00 Researchers with ties to the university who has an external collaboration with professional communicators (outside the university) Link
Carlsberg Mindelegat 50.000 – 200.000 DKK 1 September 2024 at 16:00 Scholars with ties to the university holding a PhD degree Link
Semper Ardens Accelerate Max. 5.000.000 DKK 1 October 2024 at 16:00 The applicant must be a tenured associate professor who has been appointed for a maximum of two years at the date of the application deadline Link
Semper Ardens Advance 10.000.000 DKK – 20.000.000 DKK 1 October 2024 at 16:00 Tenured internationally recognised professors at a Danish research institution Link
Monograph Fellowships Full salary + operating expenses (5.000 DKK per month) 1 October 2024 at 16:00 Monograph fellowships are only awarded to tenured senior researchers employed at a Danish research institution with 5–20 years of past tenure as an associate professor, senior researcher or professor Link
Reintegration Fellowships Full salary + operating expenses (5.000 DKK per month) 1 October 2024 at 16:00 Postdoctoral fellows subsequent to an internationalisation fellowship from the Carlsberg Foundation or another research stay abroad Link
Research Infrastructure No max. 1 October 2024 at 16:00 Applicants must be tenured associate professors/senior researchers or professors employed at a Danish research institution Link
Conferences Max. 80.000 DKK Running deadline (three months prior to date of event) The main applicant must be at least at postdoctoral level Link
Field Trips/Research Stays (not exceeding 100.000 DKK) 100.000 DKK Running deadline (three months prior to date of event) The applicant must be at associate professor/senior researcher or professor level and employed at a Danish research institution Link
Field Trips/Research Stays (exceeding 100.000 DKK) More than 100.000 DKK 1 October 2024 at 16:00 The applicant must be at associate professor/senior researcher or professor level, employed at a Danish research institution Link
Publications No max. Running deadline (three months prior to date of event) Former or current Carlsberg Foundation grant holders may apply. It is a requirement, that the monograph is based on projects and research funded by the foundation Link
Internationalisation Fellowships* 450.000 DKK p.a. (when travelling alone)

500.000 DKK p.a. (when travelling with a partner)

550.000 DKK (p.a. when travelling with partner and child(ren))
1 October 2024 at 16:00 The applicant must hold a PhD degree or must have received the assessment of the PhD thesis. The applicant must also have a demonstrated strong connection to Danish research Link

* Internationalisation fellowships are not supported by AU, since the applicant will be hosted by other institutions and the grant will be given as a personal grant and involve no AU administration.


19 August 2024 (for all grants!) Notification
Notify the research consultant that you are planning to apply for a Carlsberg grant (and stating which one) hosted by the school.
Research consultant, CC,
Helle Breth Klausen,
19 August 2024 Budget
Please reach out to Arts Finance in order to get the required budget help. It is important to get a project finance controller involved to help you with your budget as soon as possible.
Coordinator and project finance controller
Thor Fris Jespersgaard,
19 August 2024 Internal review
The school offers to read and give feedback on the following applications: Accelerate, Advance and Monograph. The research consultant will match the application with a suitable reader from the school’s Research Committee. Each review will however be planned individually (and in agreement with both the applicant and the reader).

Are you interested in getting an internal review, please reach out to the research consultant and let her know right away.
Research consultant, CC,
Helle Breth Klausen,
2 September 2024 Projects involving named PhD students
When named PhD students are involved in major projects, the main applicant must gain the approval (prævurdering) of the relevant PhD Programme Director as quickly as possible, confirming that it will be possible to register the student concerned as a PhD student if the applicant receives funding.

In order to gain this approval, the following documents must be sent to the relevant PhD Programme Director along with team leader of the Graduate School, Arts:

  • CV
  • Diplomas and certificates
  • Documentation of English language competences
  • A project outline for the part of the research project which the PhD student is to carry out (note: the Graduate School, Arts has decided that when applying for funding for a named PhD candidate in connection with major research applications, advance approvals will depend on an assessment of the candidate’s qualifications (CV and diplomas) and a project description of two-five pages formulated by the named PhD candidate. This decision applies to applications where the PI writes a project description on behalf of the entire research group. Based on this, the named PhD candidate must demonstrate the ability to write an independent sub-description)

If the candidate is approved, the main applicant will receive a confirmation document from the head of the Graduate School, Arts, Anne Marie Pahuus.

PhD programme leader(s):

Art, Literature and Cultural Studies, Stefan Iversen:

ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism, Pia Majbritt Jensen:

Language, Linguistics, Communication, and Cognition, Mikkel Wallentin:

Team leader, Graduate School, Arts, Anna Plaskett:
23 September 2024

Housing commitment/declarations of support (Reintegration Fellowships, Semper Ardens Accelerate & Advance)
Please send the final title of the project, a brief summary of the project along with a few notes on how the project fits with existing research environments at the school to the research consultant in order to receive the mandatory “Declaration of support from the host institution” in due time.

NB: Please note that it will no longer be possible to get a support letter from AIAS prior to applying for the Monograph fellowship. In the future, you will have the option of applying for an AIAS Monograph Fellowship after you have received the grant.

Research consultant, CC,
Helle Breth Klausen,
23 August 2024 / 23 September 2024 Budget approval

Calls with a deadline on 1 September:  Budgets must be approved by the head of school before the applications are submitted. Please forward the final version to the research consultant no later than 23 August.

Calls with a deadline on 1 October: Budgets must be approved by the head of school before the applications are submitted. Please forward the final version to the research consultant no later than 23 September.

Calls with a running deadline: Budgets must be approved by the head of school before the applications are submitted. Please forward the final version to the research consultant at least 5 weekdays before you plan to submit the proposal.
Research consultant, CC,
Helle Breth Klausen,
1 October 2024 at 16:00 (for most grants) Application deadline
Submission of application to the Carlsberg Foundation (via CF-Grant)
1 October 2024 (or as soon as possible thereafter) Record-keeping
When the application has been uploaded via CF-Grant, the application and appendices must be sent as a single PDF file to the research consultant for record-keeping purposes in Workzone.
Research consultant, CC,
Helle Breth Klausen,
2025 Creating your project
When applicants receive a reply from the Carlsberg Foundation, the research consultant must be contacted as quickly as possible with a view to creating the project and possible appointments.
Research consultant, CC,
Helle Breth Klausen,

Aarhus University Research Foundation (AUFF) - Autumn 2024

Internal processes will be translated to English ultimo July/primo August. Before this, please consult the processes in Danish.

VELUX FONDEN: HUMpraxis 2025

The internal school process will be announced as soon as the call is published.
Any questions? Please reach out to Research Consultant, Helle Breth Klausen (​​​​​​​) 

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Grants: Art research 2024

The internal school process will be announced as soon as the call is published.
Any questions? Please reach out to Research Consultant, Helle Breth Klausen (

Contact the research consultants