VIP light introduction

VIDEO TUTORIALS FOR VIP - It only takes about 16 min.

Here you will find recordings of the mandatory webinar for the academic staff at CC regarding filing in Workzone.

In this edition the main focus is on the practical part and less focus on the related legislation. If you wish to know more about the legislation, we recommend that you visit the section with tutorials from the first webinars held in 2022. You can find the below this section. 

The videos have been updated in August 2024 - and can be seen in bits. Duration is stated in the headlines.

Videotutorials VIP 'light' - August 2024

Introduction to Workzone for VIP (2:25)



00:00 Introduction | What is Workzone?
01:03 Why file?
01:54 Obligation to file | Get help to create a case

Installation, types, creation, and access (5:35)



00:00 What is a case?
00:31 Three kinds of cases
01:08 How to create a case?
01:39 Informations about the case
02:06 Ongoing filing
02:15 Forms for creation of a case
02:35 Who is case handler?
03:19 Who has access to a case?
04:05 Requirements for application | How to file

Find guidelines on CC's staff portal (1:54)



00:00 Guidance on the staff portal | Where to find the forms for creation of a case 
00:31 Which documents should be filed? Find examples | VIP Workzone Q&A
01:46 TAP Support provides assistance

Demonstration of filing from Outlook (6:15)



00:00 Technical demands for using the application
01:10 Demonstration of filing from webmail (
01:59 Log in and continued demonstration
05:13 How does it work on a Mac?
05:38 Support can be found on the school' staff pages

Further information on legislation from previous video tutorials

Video tutorials for VIP

Here you will find recordings of the school's mandatory webinar for VIP regarding record keeping in Workzone. The videos are mainly a recording from a webinar conducted on 28 February 2022 - and can be completed in bits. The duration of the videos are show in brackets. 

Please note that since the webinars were conducted, a new application called Workzone 365 has been launched, which enables MAC users to file mails directly from Outlook without using the remote desktop option. 

Introduction (3:45)

Introduction - topics presented:



00:00-03:45 Introduction and support concept

Danish law (2:04)

Danish law - topics presented:



00:00-02:04 Laws and regulations

Right of access (4:29)

Right of access - topics presented:



00:00 Right of access
01:22 Documents impacted by the access to public administration files act
03:04 Which material/documents is essential/important?

Duty to take notes (1:34)

Duty to take notes - topics presented:



00:00-01:34 The duty to take and file notes.

Deadlines for filing (1:03)

Deadline for filing - topics presented:



00:00-01:03 When is 'as soon as possible' for filing?

Filing and retaining records in Workzone at AU (10:11)

Filing/retaining records at AU - topics presented:



00:00 AU's records filing and retention obligations
01:55 What is Workzone?
03:39 AU's policy for filing and retaining records
05:28 Units at AU that file in Workzone
06:44 Which records do not have to be filed?
09:11 Storing research data at AU

Filing and retaining records in Workzone at the school (6:23)

Filing/retaining records at CC - topics presented:



00:00 The two areas to start with: Research project administration and external relations
00:58 What has to be filed?
04:50  Your role as academic staff

Demonstration - support concept and process (6:45)

Support concept - topics presented:



00:00 Support | PC- versus MAC user
02:12 Key concepts - What is a case?
06:80 Sagsgang ved sagsoprettelse
04:47 Case processing at case creation