Workzone is AU’s ESDH (electronic case and records management system). Workzone is used to file decisions made by AU as an authority, as well as relevant documentation of the university’s case processing in the administrative units and research related administration.
You must be created as a user, before you can access it. Contact
We expect that you complete an online webinar within the first 3 months of your employment at CC.
At CC, we have established a group of administrative staff, all of whom are trained in Workzone and can help you create a case. To ensure that all information is included from the start, please complete one of the below forms. We will send you a link to the case once we have created it.
Use this form, if you want us to create a case regarding external relations or miscellaneous.
Use this form, if you want us to create a case regarding one-off enquiries or activities e.g. from external parties, authorities, press, private companies, organisations, or individuals.
Check out this search list for documentation, which especially the academic staff is handling, and should be filed in Workzone (list prepared at CC). However, the list is not
This list indicates, which documents AU expects both academic as well as technical administrative staff to file in Workzone.
Er du i tvivl om, hvorvidt en opgave skal journaliseres i Workone, kan du bruge nedenstående spørgsmål som pejlemærker. Hvis du kan svare ja til ét eller flere af spørgsmålene, skal opgavens oplysninger og dokumenter gemmes på en sag i Workzone:
Kan der senere opstå klager eller komme anmodninger om aktindsigt?
Skal materialet danne grundlag for beslutninger eller afgørelser? Fx ift. ansættelse af medarbejder, afslag på/bevilling af merit, ansøgning om midler til eller planlægning af forskningsprojekter, godkendelse af en regel/strategi/politik, fastlæggelse af en arbejdsgang eller planlægning af et udbud?
Indsamler/noterer du sagsrelevant viden, der kan blive brug for til at løse en opgave eller til at løse lignende opgaver i fremtiden?
Udarbejder du en dagsorden/et referat i et mødeforum, hvor der træffes beslutninger, fx et ledermøde?
Træffer du beslutning om at indgå i et eksternt samarbejde med myndigheder, virksomheder, interesseorganisationer eller lign.?
Udfører du myndighedsbetjening?
Arbejder du på en forskningsansøgning eller på at indgå en formel aftale?
Yder du rådgivning eller optræder som ekspert?
Indgår du et kontraktlignende forhold, fx ifm. indkøb, udlån af udstyr eller analysearbejde?
Søger du om tilladelse eller godkendelse fra offentlige myndigheder?
The Workzone button is dependant on a network connection to the Workzone server via VPN or a secure wired network.
If you get disconnected from VPN or switch between different networks, you might experience that your button disappears or that normal functions fail.
Solution: Restart your PC on a wired network and check that you are correctly connected by restarting Workzone in your browser.
The Workzone button can also disappear for a while during updates of the Office package.
Solution: Let the computer complete the updates. Restart the computer as required.
Below find instruction on how to file in Workzone using the green Workzone 365 button/application as either Mac or PC user.
Here you will find instructions on how to file from Outlook either as a PC user - or as a Mac user via the Horizon Client application.
File an incoming or existing mail to Workzone from Outlook - Instruction - Video (DK only)
Save multiple mails at once - Instruction - only works with the application for PCs.
Use one of the green buttons at the top of this column. When you fill these out, we make sure we have all the information needed to create a case for you.
Once you have completed the form and sent it off, we will create a case for you in the system.
We will send you an email with a link to the case once it has been created
- PC users and Mac users with Horizon Client: Click on the link in the email you receive, which will direct you into the Workzone system. You can simply close the Workzone again and go back to Outlook (it may be necessary to click Refresh in the 'Save Item' button).
- PC users and Mac users with the Workzone 365 application: You can now find your case by searching for it in the search box in the Workzone app or by using (AU Webmail - how to use AU webmail) and journaling from there.
Hvis du ønsker at ændre i din sag, kontakt TAP-supporten. Ændringer kunne fx være, hvis:
During the first part of the implementation period, Mac users had to file via a remote desktop (see workaround below). However, it is now possible to file directly from Outlook on a Mac without the remote desktop (VM Horizon Client) using a new application named Workzone 365. In future, Mac users will have this application when Workzone is installed.
If you are a Mac user and do not have the application, please contact and we will order it for you.
The application requires Microsoft365. If you have Office 2016, you will need to upgrade you computer. How to know? See this instruction.
A screen shot of the Workzone 365 application is shown above.
Mac users without the above-mentioned Workzone 365 application will need a add-on application called VM Horizon Client. This application is a remote desktop for a virtual Windows 10 computer. You will be informed how to install this, when you receive a message about your user registration in Workzone or you can find the instruction on how-to below.
You can access the Workzone web client in Google Chrome, via this link: Note that not all features work on Mac operating system, e.g. integration with Office programs.
Using VM Horizon Client may only be used for filing in Workzone.
On the Workzone AU site you can find the general principles regarding filing, roles and responsibility, and system related options.
Find the principles and guidelines here.
In April 2023 the new application - Workzone 365 - was installed on all computers (active academic staff at that date).
This new application means that Mac users will no longer have to use the remote desktop (VMware Horizon Client) in order to file mails directly from Outlook using AU-webmail.
The new application is installed on all PCs as well, which means that some users will have both the existing version (’Save item’) and the new application (’WorkZone’) available in Outlook. Both can be used. However, the new one still have a few start-up problems, but the new one will in time replace the old yellow one.
→ Watch this 6 minute video tutorial on how to use the new application (Danish only).
The button/app is simply gone...
The button/app is there, but greyed out/inactive...
Mac user: Where is that application? ...
Mac user: I cannot log in...
How to search for a case...
Do I have to create a case for any new task/assignment?...
What is it actually that I have to file?
Write to or contact one of the school's TAP supporters.
On request in the form for creation it is possible to ask for customised access rights.
Workzone is AU's electronic case and document management system, which i.a. ensures that AU meets its obligations for record-keeping in accordance with the law.
The purpose is also that:
Watch the video on this page.