AU's IT tools, purpose and support

Help for IT systems

Tool/app Benefit Support Purpose Find instructions
Microsoft 365
Teams Collaboration and communication Arts IT - Chat with team members
- Calls and Meetings
- Files, task management, co-authoring, collaboration all in one place
- Entry point for all modern collaboration tools incl. SharePoint, Planner, Stream etc.
Teams as platform for collaboration
OneDrive File storage service Arts IT - Personal file storage
- File backup
- Sharing options
Forms Survey creator Arts IT* - Surveys for both internal and external users
- Can be integrated to Teams
Microsoft knowledge portal
Planner  Planning and assigning tasks  Arts IT* - Plan both group and individual tasks
- For use within Teams
Microsoft knowledge portal
Stream  Video sharing Arts IT* - Video sharing and streaming
- Organize content into Groups
- Can be integrated to Teams
Microsoft knowledge portal
Microsoft 365-app Hub for all things Microsoft 365 Arts IT* - Access to all your Microsoft Apps
- Same functionality as the landing page, but with the ability to open items in your installed apps
The Microsoft 365 app for Windows
SharePoint Collaboration and communication Arts IT - Share files and collaborate on sites for specific projects
- Option of adding external collaborators
How to use SharePoint
InTune Security measure for mobile devices Arts IT - Required security measure for accessing AU-data (i.e. Outlook, Teams) on mobile devices
- Secures the device's compliance with security policies
Power BI Collecting and integrating data into M365 Arts IT* - Processing data
- Embed visuals into other M365 products
Microsoft knowledge portal/Access: Contact BSS/Controller
Workzone Statutory record-keeping of administrative documentation. CC's local superusers - Storage of all important administrative documentation
- Storing correspondence, documenting the situation
- Easy to both store and retrieve documents
Brightspace Learning Management System CED - Administration of courses
- Sharing course material and other aspects of teaching
Brightspace, AU Educate
IndFak Paying invoices Local superusers - Handling invoices (purchases via EAN-number) IndFak
RejsUd Expense claiming Local superusers - Expense and travel reimbursement Expense and travel reimbursement
mitHR HR Management Local superusers - HR Management tasks
- Staff data
- Registering project hours
PURE Public display of research/activities Pure Support - Personal homepages
- Displaying publications, CV
- Info pages for projects and departments
ERDA Data storage and sharing ERDA - Storing, sharing, archiving files
- Storing in different projects
Vip-O-Matic Registration of work hours Vipomatic - Registration for permanent and fixed-term academic staff Vipomatic
SIF Sensitive Information Facility TBD - Storage of sensitive and confidential research data TBA
Digital eksamen/WISEflow Digital exam system Student Administration Systems Support - Exam planning
- Assessment
SurveyXact Creating and managing surveys Arts IT* - Create and distribute surveys
- Used through a browser
Conference Manager Registration system for conferences Conference Manager Support - Building registration systems for events and conferences Conference Manager (Danish)
Campaign Monitor Newsletter platform ARTS Websupport - Creating and distributing newsletters Newsletters in Campaign Monitor
Padlet Virtual bulletin board  CED - Allows students to share posts and files
- Flexible uses for teaching
- Can be displayed in Brightspace
Mentimeter Polls and questions CED - Live polls for teaching
- Students can use most devices to respond
- Can be used for presentations
Cludo Search engine of all of AU's websites ARTS Websupport - Can be individually adapted to your websites
- Receive reports for your search engines
Cludo (Danish)
Siteimprove Quality Assurance ARTS Websupport - Enabled in all of AU's websites
- Tool to assist editors in improving their websites
Siteimprove (Danish)
Heimdal Computer security measure Arts IT - Removes administrator rights from the user
- Can easily pull administrator rights for up to 30 minutes at a time
- Creates awareness around potential security risks
TimeTable Schedules for courses and modules Student Administration Systems Support - Viewing personal timetable, can be sync'ed to Outlook
- Viewing schedules for rooms, students, groups
First Agenda Meeting preparation Local superusers - Managing meetings/preparation for participants
TermTime/ExamTime Planning of teaching activities and exams Student Administration Systems Support - Shared exam planning across AU
- Enables a connection between exam planning and the rest of AU's systems
ORCiD Digital ID for researchers Pure Support - Unique identifier
- Prevents being mistaken for another researcher
- Can be used throughout career
ORCiD and Pure
STADS Student administrative system Student Administration Systems Support - Creation and administration of students
- Registration of courses, other progress-related information
STADS (Danish)
Typo3 Content Management System ARTS Websupport - Used for creation of websites, other web-based content TYPO3 (Danish)
Zoom Online meeting platform CED - Conduct virtual meetings, online classes
- Option to record meetings
- Group rooms to temporarily split into smaller sessions
Zoom, AU Educate
Dalux Facilities management system Arts Building Services - Reporting facility-related issues
- Communication relating reported tasks
Dalux user guide (danish)
EndNote Reference management tool to organise references

Your liaison librarian

- Helps you save time formatting citations EndNote - AU Library
* Support of M365 is divided between ARTS IT and AU IT, thus longer response times may occur