Current calls and posts

You can receive help with the administrative and economical aspects of applications, grants, contracts and collaboration agreements as a researcher at the School of Communication and Culture.


New decision regarding named Ph.D. candidate in major applications

The Graduate School of Arts has decided that, when applying for funding for a named Ph.D. candidate in connection with larger research applications, pre-approvals in the future should be based on an assessment of the candidate's qualifications (CV and diploma) as well as a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 5 pages of project description formulated by the named Ph.D. candidate. This applies to applications where the Principal Investigator (PI) writes a project description on behalf of the entire research group. From this, the named candidate must be able to demonstrate the ability to write an independent sub-project description.

Obtaining a statement of no previous convictions in respect of children

A ministerial order has been issued which implies that we are obliged to obtain a statement of no previous convictions in respect of children for employees whose work will involve direct contact with children under the age of 15. If you (or members of your research group) interview or observe children, a statement of no previous convictions in respect of children may need to be obtained. However, such a statement must only be obtained if you are alone with the child, i.e. if the child is not accompanied by a parent or guardian, childcare professional or teacher in an interview situation or the like.

First, you can contact the research consultant ( if you belong to the target group or if you are in doubt as to whether a statement needs to be obtained. You can also read about the process of obtaining a statement of no previous convictions in respect of children here.

Are you applying for the Novo Nordisk Foundation: Mads Øvlisen stipends? Or the Ny Carlsbergfondet PhD and postdoc stipends?

It has been pointed out to us that external applicants find the school’s online information regarding research very confusing. Therefore, the external website (Research at the School of Communication and Culture) has been given a structural and aesthetic overhaul. The website has been made more simple, and you can now find information about, for example, the school’s research organisation and specific information about the processes for the Novo Nordisk Mads Øvlisen fellowships and the New Carlsberg Foundation’s PhD and postdoc fellowships as well as information about Marie Curie.

  • See the new external website here.

Workshops, webinars and masterclasses

ERC Consolidator Grant Workshop
Deadline: 6 August
Time: 11 September at 12:30-16:00
Location: Navitas, Inge Lehmanns Gade, bld. 3210, 5th floor, room 060

This hands-on peer-to-peer workshop will prepare you for applying to the ERC CoG 2025 call with an expected deadline in January 2025. Researchers with a ground-breaking research idea and an excellent track-record from all faculties at Aarhus University are welcome. The workshop is relevant for researchers with a strong intention of applying for ERC Consolidator Grant. If you have general questions about ERC, the workshop is not for you, but you are more than welcome to contact the RSO.


Webinar on the Autumn IRFD Application Round
Date and Time: September 4, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM

The Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD) invites you to a webinar about the fund's free research grants and application procedures. Listen to Lone Koefoed Hansen, Chair of IRFD | Culture and Communication, discuss IRFD's grants with deadlines in Autumn 2024 and Spring 2025, and get your questions answered about the application process and next steps.

The webinar lasts approximately one hour and will be conducted in English. There will be an opportunity to have your questions answered via a Q&A function during and immediately after the presentation. Participation is free and does not require registration. The webinar is aimed at potential applicants and others interested in learning more about the fund's calls for free research grants.

The webinar will not be recorded.

Do you have an idea for a school workshop?
We would be happy to hear from you, if you have any ideas for research-related workshops to be held at the school. Simply reach out to the research consultant with suggestions and wishes in this regard.

Explorative lunch meetings at the Faculty of Arts
Are you interested in exploring cross-disciplinary themes or issues with researchers from other faculties at AU? Have you got a new, untested, crazy, experimental or inspiring idea for a new angle on research collaboration between ARTS and the other AU faculties (HEALTH, BSS, NAT and TECH)? An explorative lunch meeting at the Faculty of Arts might be exactly what you’re looking for. The Faculty of Arts is inviting its researchers (assistant professors, associate professors and professors) to propose a variety of cross-disciplinary themes which could be explored at a series of lunchtime meetings in 2022 with a view to conducting a broad investigation of the cross-disciplinary potential in various new research ideas or fields. Proposals are welcome on an ongoing basis. You can read more about the procedure here.

Calls for applications - autumn 2024

DFF: Grants with deadlines in Fall 2024

  • Explorative Network | Humanities: 11 September 2024, at 12:00
  • Journals | Humanities: 11 September 2024, at 12:00
  • DFF-Research Project2: 8 October 2024, at 12:00
  • Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting Grant: 10 October 2024, at 12:00
  • DFF-International Postdoctoral Grant: 30 October 2024, at 12:00

More information, application deadlines, and internal processes at IKK:

Carlsberg Foundation: Grants with deadlines in Fall 2024

  • Science Communication: 1 September 2024, at 16:00
  • Carlsberg Mindelegat: 1 September 2024, at 16:00
  • Semper Ardens Accelerate: 1 October 2024, at 16:00
  • Semper Ardens Advance: 1 October 2024, at 16:00
  • Monograph Fellowships: 1 October 2024, at 16:00
  • Reintegration Fellowships: 1 October 2024, at 16:00
  • Research Infrastructure: 1 October 2024, at 16:00
  • Conferences: Ongoing application deadline
  • Research Stays (under 100,000 DKK): Ongoing application deadline
  • Research Stays (over 100,000 DKK): 1 October 2024, at 16:00
  • Publications: Ongoing application deadline
  • Internationalization Fellowships: 1 October 2024, at 16:00 (NB: not supported)
  • Note: The following grant can only be applied for in October 2025: Semper Ardens Accomplish

More information, application deadlines, and internal processes at IKK:

  • See the announcement of all the foundation's grants here.
  • NOTE: Deadline to notify the research consultant at IKK, Helle Breth Klausen (, is August 19, 2024.
  • See the internal school process here.

AUFF: Grants with deadlines in Fall 2024

  • AUFF Publication Support: September 5, 2024, at 12:00 PM
  • AUFF NOVA: September 10, 2024, at 12:00 PM
  • AUFF International Mobility: September 25, 2024, at 12:00 PM

More information, application deadlines, and internal processes at IKK:

ERC Starting Grant (StG)
Application deadline: 15 October 2024
Internal deadline for notifying the research consultant: 10 June 2024 
(send an email to research consultant Lise Marie Andersen:

This year’s ERC StG call opens on 10 July, and the deadline for applications is 15 October. The Starting Grant targets ”talented early-career scientists who have already produced excellent supervised work and are ready to work independently and show potential to be a research leader”. The grant is very competitive, so it is important to start in good time if you want to apply. The Research Support Office has a team of ERC specialists who will be able to help you if you notify the school’s ERC coordinating research consultant before the registration deadline.

Contact the research consultants