Workload reduction

Workload reduction and subsequent registration of hours in Vipomatic

Before you apply 

When you apply for funding, you must, as a general rule, apply for full coverage of your salary and, to the greatest extent possible, apply for a workload reduction for full months of salary. 

You can contact Arts Finance and have them calculate your actual salary expenses. 

When you receive a grant or are a partner in project  

When you receive the grant letter (or your coordinator gives it to you), you must send it to your project finance administrator. In collaboration with your project finance administrator, you should draw up a plan for project activities. 

How and to what extent your service obligation will be reduced will then be registered in Vipomatic

When you apply for a full salary coverage/full workload reduction, you will be released from your service obligation/teaching obligation. 

Total annual working hours 

For your information, the total number of annual working hours is 1650 hours, excluding holidays and days off. 

The vast majority of teachers at the school are employed to teach 60 per cent of the time and conduct research 40 per cent of the time. The number of annual working hours minus research is 990. This corresponds to 495 hours per semester. 


An associate professor has been granted a full workload reduction for six months and is registered for 495 hours. The associate professor does therefore not have to work for the school in one of the two semesters. 

The calculation looks like this: 6/12 months x 1,650 hours x 0.6 (per cent teaching) 

An assistant professor applies for a full workload reduction for one month and is registered for 82,5 hours. The hours can be deducted from the total number of working hours in Vipomatic. 

The calculation looks like this: 1/12 months x 1,650 hours x 0.6 (per cent teaching) 

A professor applies for four months of workload reduction in one year. This amounts to 330 hours, which can be deducted from the total number of working hours in Vipomatic. 

The calculation looks like this: 4/12 months x 1,650 hours x 0.6 (per cent teaching) 

Workload reductions for other activities and for technical/administrative staff 

Workload reductions can be granted for, for example, travel, publications and workshops. 

It is also possible for part-time technical/administrative staff and technical/administrative staff to apply for funding to cover expenses



Project finance controller for Department of Digital Design and Information Studies

Project finance controller for Department of Dramaturgy and Musicology

Yadigar Akbulut

Project finance controller

Project finance controllers for Department of English

Project finance controller for Department of Art History, Aesthetics & Culture and Museology

Yadigar Akbulut

Project finance controller

Project finance controller for Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics

Project finance controller for the Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric

Project finance controller for Department of Media and Journalism Studies

Yadigar Akbulut

Project finance controller

Project finance controller for Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy

Project finance controllers for Department of German and Romance Languages

Project finance controller for CAVI