Terms of employment

Working hours, skills development and salary

Working hours

The agreement on working hours at the Faculty of Arts (2023-2025)

The agreement on working hours at the Faculty of Arts applies to all permanent and time-limited academic staff (VIP) with research obligations at the Faculty of Arts.

Read the working time agreement here.

AU and CC's guidelines for working hours

​​​​​​Flexible working hours | Working hours for academic staff | Workload reduction | Remote working

Read about AU's guidelines for working hours here.

Staff development dialogue (SDD)

Every autumn, SDD is held with your line manager. Here you can discuss opportunities for competency development. Every year there is an opportunity to apply for funding for courses at the Competence Fund (DK only).

Read about SDD here.


If you have questions about your salary payment, you can find you payroll case manager here. Employees at AU can apply for a salary increase once a year.

Holiday, sickness, absence, and parental leave

Illness and sick leave, a child’s first and second sickness days, time off due to a child's illness and holiday must be registered with your local department secretary, who you must notify on the morning of the first day of absence and at recovery.

More information on how to deal with illness, absence and maternity/paternity leave.

Staff schemes

AU has a staff association with regular events. At the same time, AU offers, among other things, holiday homes through the Feriefonden and training facilities.

More information on offers and regular social events at AU.

Liaison committee and union representatives

The local liaison committee consists of 5 management representatives and up to 10 staff representatives. 4 meetings are held annually.

See CC’s liaison committee here | Find your union representative here.

Recruitment and competency development

Competency development

AU aims to be a workplace that gives staff the opportunity for both professional and personal development and as much independence as possible in organising their work. AU offers a number of internal courses for staff.

More information on competency development at AU | More information on AU’s courses here.

Staff policies and guidelines

Staff policy at AU

The staff policy sets out the fundamental principles guiding Aarhus University as a workplace. The objective of the staff policy is to contribute to employee well-being and to give all employees influence on, as well as the best possible conditions for, the professional and efficient performance of the university’s tasks.

More information on AU’s staff policy here | See AU HR's overview of various staff matters here (DK only).

Senior policy

Aarhus University wants to retain well-functioning employees for as long as possible and facilitate the transition between an active working life and life as a pensioner.

Read more about AU's policy on how to secure a steady and flexible resignment from the labour market

The whistleblower scheme

The whistleblower scheme at Aarhus University is intended to make it easier to report suspicions or knowledge of unlawful activities, serious incidents of bullying and harassment or other serious offences without the risk of reprisals.

Read about AU's whistleblower scheme here.

Diversity and gender equality

AU is working to promote diversity and gender equality among staff and students.

Read about the diversity and gender equality efforts here.

Offensive behaviour

AU does not accept offensive behaviour at AU. In other words, we do not accept any form of bullying, sexual harassment, violence, or discrimination. Everyone at the university is responsible for ensuring that offensive behaviour does not occur.

Read about AU's policy for offensive behavior here.

Information security and data protection (GDPR)

As a staff member you must familiarise yourself thoroughly with AU's information security policy. You have a duty to know and comply with AU's guidelines, no matter whether you are a student or an employee, and regardless of whether you work in research, education, consultancy or administration.

Read an extract on information security and data protection here | Visit AU's information security policy here