Work environment

Physical work environment

Emergency response and evacuation

Emergency response at Aarhus University goal is to staff, students, and guests preventing and dealing with emergency situations.

Find information about AU's emergency response here.

Find information about AU's evacuation instructions below.


There are a large number of defibrillators at AU's locations in Aarhus.

Here you will find a map and link to You can save lives (

Screen glasses, workplace at home and other ergonomic equipment

Staff at Aarhus University who regularly work at screen workstations have the right to have an eye test and possibly screen glasses if needed.

Specific ergonomic requirements must be met, when working from home (home workstation/home office).

Find information about screen glasses, the home workstation and ergonomics at AU here.

Office policy - allocation of office spaces

The school aims to offer good physical working conditions to its staff. When allocating offices or seating, we strive to take into account the differences in the office equipment and locations at the school.

Read about the principles for seat allocation at CC here.

Office gymnastics

A few simple modifications in the office interior can often help to create variety in the work position.

Find good advice and exercises here (DK only).

WPA, policies and occupational health and safety representatives

Workplace assessment (WPA)

A WPA is a tool that makes it possible to work with the work environment in a preventive and systematic way by drawing on employees’ experiences and observations. The overall objective of a WPA is to contribute to creating the best possible framework for employee well-being.

CC’s WPA 2022-2025 - efforts | Find information about AU's WPA page here.

Occupational health and safety representatives and organisation at CC

Here you will find an overview of CC’s occupational health and safety committee and representatives engaged in the workplace assessment, emergency response, office rounds and much more. At AU, work is done at several levels regarding the work environment.

CC’s local occupational health and safety committee (LAMU) | Read about the work and organisation of the committees at AU here | The annual work environment discussion (DK only)

Diversity and gender equality

AU is working to promote diversity and gender equality among staff and students.

Read about the diversity and gender equality efforts here.

Work-related asymmetrical relationships

Find information about the school's guidelines and recommendations for asymmetrical (close) relations on staff pages Policies, memos, and guidelines.

Psychological work environment at CC

Well-being and psychological safety at CC

Visit the school's site on well-being and psychological safety.

Psychological Counselling Service

Psychological counselling is available to all members of AU staff who experience work-related problems.

If you experience a problem or a crisis caused by your situation at work and which affects your performance at work, you can receive psychological counselling. The counselling services are free of charge for AU employees, and the employees do not have to pay tax on these services. Your department/school or unit will pay the counselling costs.

Psychological counselling is also available in English.

You can contact Dansk Erhvervspsykologi by calling: 7022 7612 (between 8:00 and 17:00 on weekdays) or 7022 7610 (in case of an emergency)

Learn more about AU's counselling here.

Offensive behaviour

AU does not accept offensive behaviour at AU. In other words, we do not accept any form of bullying, sexual harassment, violence, or discrimination. Everyone at the university is responsible for ensuring that offensive behaviour does not occur.

Read about AU's policy for offensive behavior here.