Kristin Melum Eide, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), will be giving a guest lecture in October.
A guest talk by Dr Jonathan Gray (King’s College, London) on environmental data.
Translating Europe-workshoppen 2024 vil stille skarpt på den menneskelige faktor i en AI-tid og gøre os alle klogere på, hvordan den digitale…
The second presentation in the seminar series: "What Do Critical Data Practices Look Like, and How Do We Care?"
Presenter: Sandra Becker, Utrecht University, Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht, Netherlands
This lecture presents a case study of the Swedish…
Seminar invitation
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All are welcome to Aesthetic Seminar.
Thematic impulse by Susana Silvia Fernández, Professor in foreign language didactics, IKK, about the journey towards her funded project Danish in the…
The first presentation in the Seminar Series: "What Do Critical Data Practices Look Like, and How Do We Care?"
William Miki Thorsen, MA, will defend his dissertation "Negative polarity items in Danish and English:
Syntax, semantics, and acceptability"
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