In 2025, the WPA advisory group will meet every third month and will be working on the following initiatives, which will be available in Rambøll's reporting system. The group will regularly follow up on the initiatives and add new ones.
At the last meeting on 20 February in the WPA Advisory Group for APV 2022, we made the final follow-ups on the action plans and discussed what to bring forward in the coming period based on the experience.
As expected, many of the focus points in the psychological part of the WPA will require an ongoing work. All challenges have therefore not been resolved, but we assess that the follow-up that has taken place in councils and boards, management and to a large extent also in the local environments, has contributed to greater vigilance and more focus on psychological safety, recognition and well-being and on the prevention of conflicts and violations.
LSU/LAMU has decided that the future WPA Advisory Group must also consist of the head of department, the deputy heads of LSU and LAMU, the head of the secretariat and a head of department.
We expect that the follow-up to WPA 2025 will also focus on prevention and handling of stress and workload and on psychological safety, development opportunities and a culture of recognition, but the priorities will of course depend on the results of the survey.
The WPA Advisory Group therefore encourages everyone to complete the survey and participate in the subsequent dialogue meetings and other follow-up activities.
We are always happy to receive suggestions and requests for initiatives that can contribute to a good physical and psychological work environment.
The WPA group discussed whether, as a supplement to AU's guidelines for personal relationships, the school should draw up its own guidelines and recommendations or endorse those prepared by the School of Culture and Society. There was a general agreement that the uniform guidelines at the Faculty of Arts are preferable, and that the School of Culture and Society's supplement contains good concretisations of the welcomed AU guidelines. We, and subsequently the school management team, therefore endorsed this CC-adjusted version of the Guidelines and recommendations for work-related asymmetric relationships (DK only).
In addition, we discussed: Digital working environment, species-specific questions for the upcoming WPA 2025 and the conclusion of WPA 2022.
The WPA group discussed the proposal and planned further initiatives to clarify tools and disseminate knowledge of these at the school. At the same time, the group addressed the digital work environment initiative and reviewed the feedback from the school's liaison and OHS committee to the staff page on psychological safety and well-being.
WPA advisory group will continue to focus on psychological work environment and security in working relationships and will also work with time imbalances. We will invite and involve different AU forums and speakers who can contribute to an understanding of the challenges and how we can solve them. One of the solutions for taking the temperature of the school's safety culture is the AU interim measurement system which the group will also continue to work on – possibly in the autumn. There is considerable support from the department management team to continue working on the selected initiatives.
WPA advisory group will continue to focus on psychological work environment and security in working relationships and will also work with time imbalances. We will invite and involve different AU forums and speakers who can contribute to an understanding of the challenges and how we can solve them. One of the solutions for taking the temperature of the school's safety culture is the AU interim measurement system which the group will also continue to work on – possibly in the autumn. There is considerable support from the department management team to continue working on the selected initiatives.
Discussion with union representatives regarding culture of infringement and sparring with the school's union representatives on proposals for initiatives and initiatives regarding violations of both employees and staff and students. The group agreed that a number of guidelines should be established, which must be established at AU or faculty level. The topic will be discussed at a meeting of the Faculty's Collaboration Committee and the LSU/LAMU meeting in September. There were also proposals for knowledge sharing among the school's departments and the opportunity to follow up on the WPA's questions about employees' experience of violations in the form of a WPA interim measurement.
The data from the WPA will be re-visited, and it should be agreed that we should provide guidelines and help tools on the website, involving the union representative at the future WPA follow-up group meeting and the newsletter. The goal is a culture in which employees feel secure enough to dare express themselves.
As part of the group's mapping of possible initiatives in relation to Lars Kiel Bartelsen was invited to give a presentation of the "preparation for education within the norm" initiative. Lars presented four theses about the experience of mismatches between the scope of the assignments and remuneration.
The group was very inspired by Lars presentations and subsequently had a positive and constructive dialogue, where specific proposed solutions were discussed.
WPA advisory group ought to be seen as a kind of ' inroom ' that brings proposals and ideas to bodies or departments. The members of the group are expected to contribute to creating a focus on and anchoring WPA initiatives in the networks and internal collaborative relations in which each of us participates.
We have limited tools for communication, there is demonstrably hitting the organisation, but it is possible to bring LSU and LAMU into focus with themes and sparring, encourage the heads of department to bring themes up at departmental meetings, use newsletters and the website at MIKK and, as mentioned, as group members bring the selected WPA initiatives into the organisation when the opportunity presents itself.
The coordinator has an obligation to take care of the interests of the work. The coordinator is not necessarily the operator, but ensures that the task is run and carried out. Unni and Tine are available for sparring and supervision.
The Advisory Group will endeavour to communicate to the department's employees about action plans and initiatives – both on this page, in the newsletter and other relevant communication channels.
You are very welcome to contact one of the members in WPA advisory group, if you have any suggestions or wishes for what you want to be considered. Write to one of the members of the group.
Generally speaking, it is good to see that a lot of people are happy at work and regard their work as meaningful. It’s also good to see that one of the departments which had a low score in 2019, and which has worked hard to improve the work environment, has registered a significant improvement. The same applies at school level with regard to conflict management, an area which had a very low score in 2019. The school management team and our units have done a great deal to prevent and handle conflicts. However, despite significant improvement, we must continue to maintain our focus on this area.
It is clearly not good news that so many people feel a sense of stress and an imbalance between the tasks they have to perform and the time available to perform them. Far too many members of staff also feel insecure about their future prospects, as well as feeling unappreciated for the work they do.
Once again, far too many members of staff have experienced offensive conduct and discrimination; and once again a lot of people say that they have not reported this to their line manager or union representative. Most people have only mentioned such problems to one or more of their colleagues.
The process of planning the 2025 WPA has begun. Download a project schedule here.
Here you will find the WPA 2025 questionnaire. The questionnaire has been approved by the senior management team on the basis of thorough preparatory work by AU's WPA advisory group appointed by HAMU-HSU.
WPA 2025 kicks off on 25 February 2025, where you will receive a personal link to the survey by email. You can answer in the period 25 February - 12 March 2025.
If you need to look back at the 2022 questionnaire, you can find it here: WPA 2022 questionnaire.
As per 13 March, 10.10 AM
The WPA is 100 per cent anonymous. Anonymity is ensured by means of anonymity limits, meaning that results will only be included in the report if a certain number of employees have answered the question. No one at AU has access to individual responses.
Aarhus University has set the following anonymity limits: 5 responses for general questions, 40 responses to questions about offensive behaviour and discrimination. Read more about anonymity.
Comments to the physical part of the WPA is not anonymous, and your occupational health and safety group will be able to access your comments on specific problems with the physical work environment (drafts, noise, etc.) in order to follow up on and address them.
Read more about WPA at the faculties and in the administration:
For help and advice on how best to use the results of the WPA, contact: