

Afholdte arrangementer

Grammar and attention – from grammatical impairment to grammaticalization

7 dec
Torsdag 7. december 2023, kl. 14:15

Implications of a usage-based theory of the grammatical-lexical distinction according to which the distinction has to do with conventionalized…

Exploring AI in and through healthcare

1 dec
Fredag 1. december 2023, kl. 08:45 Room M2.3 at AU Conference centre, Build. 1420/228

Exploring Artificial Intelligence. AI Seminar.

Estelle Blaschke, Customising Images: On Photography, Machine Learning and the Logic of the Archive

30 nov
Torsdag 30. november 2023, kl. 14:15 Kasernen, Building 1584, Room 124

All are welcome to Aesthetic Seminar

Friday Lecture by Kate McDowell: Storytelling as Information Research and Critical Data Storytelling

24 nov
Fredag 24. november 2023, kl. 14:00 Peter Bøgh Andersen Auditorium, 5335-016, Finlandsgade 21, 8200 Aarhus N


Storytelling is an old practice with new implications for the evolution and dissemination of information. Building on the data, information,…

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