

Afholdte arrangementer

Exploring AI hands-on

24 nov
Fredag 24. november 2023, kl. 09:00 Lunchroom Nygaard, Build. 5335/229.

Exploring Artificial Intelligence. AI Seminar.


Workshop: "Using Causal Inference to Express, Explore and Extend your Research"

23 nov
Torsdag 23. november 2023, kl. 10:00

We will learn about and discuss a tool (Directed Acyclical Graphs, or Graphical Causal Models), which is very useful to describe and discuss implied…

Friday Lecture: Ben Grosser - From Forever More to Degrowth Aesthetics: Tactics of Bounding in the Digital Infinite

17 nov
Fredag 17. november 2023, kl. 14:00 Peter Bøgh Andersen Auditoriet (5335-016)


Despite their lofty mission statements, today’s leading social media platforms primarily emphasize one singular concept: more. These…

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